You Haven't Started Exam Revision Yet? Here's What You Have To Do
Yes, my friends, it is that time of the year again. Exam season is fast approaching and some of us have already made a start on revision....

4 Things You Can Do To Maximize Your Productivity In 2019
2019: a new year, a clean slate for you to use however you want, to achieve whatever you desire. This year more than ever before, you...

Romanian In An English University: Dealing With Culture Shock In An Academic Environment
In case you haven’t followed my blog all that closely, you might not know that I was born and raised in Romania, where I spent the first...

A Day In The Life At University
For today’s post, I thought I’d try doing something a bit different. If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you might already know...

Seizing Opportunities At University & How To Make The Most Out Of It
Although I did say it quite a few times in previous posts, university is not just about studying. I mean yes, you are there to learn and...

I've Waited Two Years To Tell The Story Of My Graduation Day
I sat down to write this post the very next day after writing the acknowledgements for Poems Gone Nuclear, my debut poetry collection...

University Survival Kit: Adulting - Finances, Jobs, Living Alone & With Others
In slight contradiction with what I’ve already told you, university is not just about studying. University can also mean moving out of...

University Survival Kit: Adapting to a New Way of Studying
Although an eye-opening experience from a variety of perspectives, going to university remains a primarily academic endeavour: it means...